As Cancer continues to grow into a widespread fatal disease, scientists are finding new ways of cure from this deadly trap of abnormal cells in the human body. One such relatively rare yet rapidly developing malignant form includes Mesothelioma, a cancer of the mesothelium.
Mesothelioma Definition | Mesothelioma Wiki
Mesothelioma definition states that it is a destructive form of cancer that is caused by inhaling asbestos fibres that stuck in the lining of the abdomen, lungs or heart. Our body’s protective membrane mesothelium lines most of the internal organs. Due to the exposure of toxic asbestos fibers, cancer develops in the pleural mesothelium of the chest area where it further spreads in the abdominal cavity and space around the heart.

Mesothelioma Causes
According to American Cancer Research, about 3000 cases of mesothelioma are reported every year in the US. Mesothelioma Wiki states that one of the main causes of its dispersion is while working with asbestos. Asbestos contains tiny microscopic fibers, which are resistant to heat, chemicals and fire. It is mined from underground and mainly used in automotive, construction and other industries.

Major mesothelioma causes include inhalation or swallowing of tiny asbestos fibers when released into the air. Workers who have strong exposure to asbestos at workplaces have 75% chances of infected by this while others who have a family history of the disease, or living close to asbestos mines might have 25 % chances.
Mesothelioma Symptoms

As asbestos fibers lodge into the lining of lungs, heart and abdomen, they begin to damage the mesothelial cells and stimulate the production of various tumours. Some common mesothelioma symptoms include:
- Dry Cough
- Problems in Breathing
- Respiratory problems
- Chest or Abdomen pain
- Fever
- Pleural Effusion
- Muscle weakness
Remember that the symptoms don’t appear until the tumour is fully-grown. This is usually why patients are in their 60s-70s since the latency of the disease is 20-50 years.
Mesothelioma Prognosis or Diagnosis
Mesothelioma prognosis depends on two factors; patient’s age and the stage of the disease he is currently diagnosed with. People including both men and women who are at a young age are more likely to have a better prognosis as compared to people at older ages. Young age also makes them eligible for a better mesothelioma treatment and improved prognosis.

On the other hand, as far as mesothelioma diagnosis is concerned, one of the main things that play a significant role in a patient’s recovery is the type of it’s cells present in the human body. They include:
- Epithelioid: These are the most responsive cells to mesothelioma treatment.
- Sarcomatoid: These cells are the least responsive and have a shorter life expectancy from the disease.
- Biphasic: A combination of both the two cells above. Although they are also less responsive to treatment it depends on the ratio of both cells too.
Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

It is true that patients suffering from this disease still don’t have a proper treatment as of yet. However, different forms of treatments might increase their life expectancy depending on how successful the diagnosis was. The Mesothelioma life expectancy for the majority of patients is about 12 months after the complete diagnosis.